About the Role
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Identify all home fixtures at least one week in advance and schedule them using
an excel template
Email all coaches/managers the details for their games on a Sunday evening (for
the following week)
Design fixture schedule to support the league referee secretary to allocate
referees to maximise resources. Email referee secretary the details by each Monday night
Email Writtle 4G bookings when we are able to give back any time that we don’t
need on a weekly basis
Email caterers with match details at beginning of week so they can work out food
and beverage needs for the weekend’s games
Email caterer and Treasurer once per month to enable collection of fees from
Liaise with Brentwood league fixture secretaries and Blackwater and Dengie
league fixture secretaries for all matches. To ensure that we are not overloaded with games compared to our capacity as each league does not know how many
home games we have across the board each week. We then agree the switching
of games where required.
Pitch Inspections - 7.30am on Sundays mainly between Nov-Feb. Sometimes
inspect on a Saturday as well if weather is really bad.
After pitch inspections communicate to all impacted by any decisions with priority for early kick offs
Update the leagues with cancellations due to poor weather
When needed update Essex County Girls League - they only accept comms from
our secretary so update club secretary for any requirements that need to be
communicated to that league
Take multiple emails and WhatsApp messages from coaches/managers asking
for specific kick off times due to issues they have with availability. Back and forth
on this etc
Arrange goalkeeper training for the season with goalkeeper coach and email
reminders for each session to all coaches after initially sending all dates in
Update BDYFL twice per year to let them know teams that do not want a fixture
on first week of half term
Annual Springfield Challenge - run this alongside Springfield representative.
There is more work to do when we host. It is easier when they host. In 2024 we
are due to host so scheduling all fixtures after going out and finding out who
wants to enter. Also need to find referees for relevant competitive games and
reconcile teams with Springfield to try and match teams on ability as best as
About the Company
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